Using PowerShell For More Readable Log Files

Most of the scheduled jobs on my SQL Servers write some sort of output to a log file. Most of the time, it’s just the output of a SQL statement. However, for some of my longer, more complicated routines, the procedures I write include PRINT statements to output various statuses or progress messages while the […]

Implicit Conversions Can Be An Unseen Danger

I got an email from one of my developers regarding a process they had developed in-house. The process has been taking longer and longer to run and it had reached the point where the application was timing out while waiting for a response from the database. Some investigating revealed that the process was timing out […]

SYS.DM_EXEC_REQUESTS Changes Between Versions Of SQL Server

I was recently doing some work with a backup verification routine that is meant to run on various versions of SQL Server and came across some variations in the way the RESTORE VERIFYONLY command is reported by sys.dm_exec_requests between SQL Server 2005, 2008 R2, and 2012. I haven’t seen this mentioned anywhere, so I thought […]