New Version Of SP_Blitz With Some Contributions From Me

Brent Ozar Unlimited has released a new version of their awesome sp_Blitz server checkup script. I’m pleased to report that this version includes some checks that I submitted: a check for the last successful DBCC CHECKDB, a check to see if @@servername is null, and an update to the backup check to make sure the […]

A Useful Tip For Dealing With A Full Transaction Log Drive

This is a problem all DBAs will run into at some point – the drive a database’s transaction log is on runs out of space. In most cases, this was caused by the transaction log autogrowing until there is no room left on the drive. If your alerts are set up correctly, you’ll get an […]

Put Your SQL Servers On A Diet

Everyone know SQL Server loves memory. It will happily gobble up all the RAM you throw at it. On physical boxes, this may not be a big deal, especially if you plan for it and properly configure your max and min memory settings within SQL Server. RAM makes SQL Server run faster and who doesn’t […]

Troubleshooting SQL 2008 R2 SP2 Installation

Microsoft released SP2 for SQL Server 2008 R2 a couple weeks ago and I’ve been applying it to my servers. Most of the time it installed without problems, but I encountered a very puzzling error on one server. When I ran the service pack installation, I saw a DOS window pop and and disappear quickly […]