How SQL Query Plans Can Change Between Versions

I’ve been working lately on creating some automated check scripts, similar to Brent Ozar’s great sp_Blitz script. I’m intending my script to be able to be run against SQL 2005, 2008, and 2008 R2 servers (I just got my hands on SQL 2012, so my next pass will be to make sure everything works on […]

It’s Time To Retire sp_MSForEachDB

Most DBAs know about this undocumented stored procedure. It loops through all the databases on a server and allows you to execute T-SQL statements against each one. I have feeling some people think this is better than writing your own cursor that does the same thing. It’s really not. In fact, if you go into […]

Database Maintenance for Non-DBAs Part 2

Last time, I wrote about how to set up a basic maintenance plan to back up your databases on a regular basis to avoid having your transaction logs grow out of control and fill up your disk. As I mentioned at the end of that article, that routine creates backup files, but it does not […]